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WorldWide Wildcats Weekly Email

September 11, 2018

K-State Libraries

Library and IT services are available after a fire on May 22 caused significant smoke and water damage to our beautiful Hale Library. The building will be closed for the 2018-2019 school year for cleaning and reconstruction. Services have been relocated across campus, and you can view updated information on the Hale website. While the damage is extensive, we now have the opportunity to rebuild a next-generation library even better than before. #HaleYes

Last Day for 50% Refund

Sept. 17 is the last day to drop a regular session (aka full semester) class for a 50 percent refund. Just to make things interesting, non-standard (aka short) courses have their own unique drop/refund dates and follow these deadlines. Dropping all of your classes requires you to contact your academic dean's office. Graduate students should email grad@k-state.edu.

Online Tutoring

The Academic Achievement Center provides online tutoring via Zoom for undergraduate Global Campus students who are enrolled in K-State courses. Zoom is like Skype and we heart it for keeping in touch with students all over the globe. Complete the Online Tutor Request Form.

Just. Keep. Writing

Need help on a paper? Make an appointment to learn writing strategies and get feedback through online consultations with experienced writing tutors.