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Global Campus

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WorldWide Wildcats Weekly Email

April 24, 2018

K-State Summer

Get ahead in your degree with K-State Summer! Classes are offered on campus, online and via study abroad in a variety of time frames, from short three-week cycles to as long as eight weeks. Enroll now!



Schedule Final Exams Early

If your class requires proctored exams, be sure to schedule your final exams with your proctor as early as possible to ensure a time is available, as appointments fill up quickly toward the end of the semester. Send your questions to the K-State Global Campus Testing Center at 785-532-5575 or globaltesting@k-state.edu.


Conflict Resolution

Complete an entire 12-month certificate in conflict resolution over the course of a single summer! The Summer Institute in Conflict Resolution will be offered June 4-July 27 on the Manhattan campus or fully online with the aim of meeting a growing need in the workplace for individuals with conflict resolution abilities. Learn more and sign up.